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Checkbook Management Program
The program will then search for the components of the report. One of three
messages will appear on the screen next. These are:
║ Expenditure Report ║
1. ║ ║
║ Beginning January first of which year? ║
║ 1987 ║
║ More than 50 categories. Some will be omitted. ║
║ Category = xxxxxxxxxx ║
If this message appears, your report will be incomplete. The category (or
categories) listed will not appear on the report. However, the program will
continue and will eventually display message 3 below.
║ Expenditure Report ║
2. ║ ║
║ Beginning January first of which year? ║
║ 1987 ║
║ Nothing to report ║
If this message appears, your data file has no debit transactions (checks,
AutoTeller Withdrawals, or bank charges) for this year. Press any key to
continue. The Reports Menu will then reappear.
║ Expenditure Report ║
3. ║ ║
║ Beginning January first of which year? ║
║ 1987 ║
║ List on the screen (S) or print on the printer (P)? ║
Press one of three letters (case makes no difference):
S - Display the report on the screen.
P - Display the report on the printer.
Q - Return to the Report Menu.
If you press <P>, you have one more task before the report begins. The
screen becomes:
║ Expenditure Report ║
║ ║
║ Beginning January first of which year? ║
║ 1987 ║
║ List on the screen (S) or print on the printer (P)? P ║
║ Press <enter> when the printer is ready at the top of ║
║ a page. ║
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Checkbook Management Program
Verify your printer is on and positioned properly, then press any key except
<Q>. If you have no printer, or if you decide to stop here, press <Q> and you
will return to the Report Menu. If you have no printer and you press anything
but <Q>, your system will die and you will have to reboot.
Your report will now appear. It looks like this:
║ Annual Expenditures for 19xx ║
║ For Account (account name) 04/24/85 ║
║ ║
║ Category January February March April May June July ║
║ ║
║ CASH xxx.xx xxx.xx xxx.xx xxx.xx xxx.xx xxx.xx xxx.xx ║
║ GROCERIES xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx ║
║ . . . . . . . . ║
║ . . . . . . . . ║
║ . . . . . . . . ║
║ Total xxx.xx xxx.xx xxx.xx xxx.xx xxx.xx xxx.xx xxx.xx ║
║ Annual Expenditures for 19xx ║
║ For Account (account name) 04/24/85 ║
║ ║
║ Category August September October November December Total Average ║
║ ║
║ CASH xxx.xx xxx.xx xxx.xx xxx.xx xxx.xx xxx.xx xxx.xx ║
║ GROCERIES xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx ║
║ . . . . . . . . ║
║ . . . . . . . . ║
║ . . . . . . . . ║
║ Total xxx.xx xxx.xx xxx.xx xxx.xx xxx.xx xxx.xx xxx.xx ║
Page one covers the months January through July, while page two reports on the
rest of the year, the annual totals, and the monthly average. The budget
categories down the left-hand column are in alphabetical order. The monthly
average is calculated for the number of months for which there is information.
If you have entries for July through September only, the average is calculated
over those three months, not twelve.
If you have requested a fiscal year other than the calendar year, the
order of the months will reflect your fiscal year.
Totals for each month/category combination represent the total of the
amounts on all checks, Automatic Teller Withdrawals, and bank charges which
have dates for that month/year combination and which have that category.
Totals for each month (at the bottom of each page) are a summation of the
numbers appearing in the column directly above them. That is, it is the total
amount of money spent for all categories for that month of that year.
Totals in the next to last right-hand column of the second page are the
summation of amounts for all outlays for that budget category for the year. If
you total all amounts for a particular budget category across both pages, you
will get the total in this column.
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Checkbook Management Program
The final figure on the second page, bottom row, next-to-last column is
the total amount of money drawn from this account for one reason or another for
the entire year.
Annual Income Report
This report produces a table of the total amounts deposited per month for
every budget category. Totals are given for each month and each category.
Budget categories are displayed in alphabetical order. You will be asked to
supply the last two digits of the year the report is to cover. This report
can be printed or displayed.
When this report is chosen, the screen displays:
║ Annual Income Report ║
║ ║
║ Beginning January first of which year? ║
║ ____ ║
Enter the year the report is to cover. (If you have defined a fiscal year
other than the c